Post By Category - Vacation

How To Ace Your Exams Without Stress And Strain?

Are you a bundle of nerves when it is exam time? If you are not then I take my hat off to you! But in most cases, exams are synonymous to stress for not one, but many reasons. I...

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Why Outdoor Vacations Add A New Dimension To Our Lives

Outdoor Vacations mean happiness, freedom from 24x7 routine followed throughout the year and to experience something novel and exhilarating. With the advanced pace of life, peop...

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Check Out These Top Ten Residential Schools For Your Child

From the moment you set eyes on your child, your life changes. Your children’s happiness is yours, and so are their sorrows. But by being in their hair all the time, also ...

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5 best holiday places to take kids this summer (This is why)

With a long break from school, summer vacation is the best time to pack up a suitcase and head to unseen locales. But who says two months away from books means a full stop to le...

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Off-Beat Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer Vacation

It’s finally here! Goodbye, 6 am alarms, exam blues and panicky messages on the school parents’  WhatsApp group! The summer vacation is here and it’s not ...

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